+1-634-567-34 test@gmail.com


+1-634-567-34 test@gmail.com



House Rules

These House Rules (Rules) must be followed by all the residents staying in any property (House) operated by Instahostel. Any breach or violation of these Rules will amount to a breach of the Resident Agreement entered by the resident with Instahostel and may trigger Instahostel’s rights to terminate the agreement. These rules may be updated from time to time by Instahostel at its sole discretion.

Care of the Building, Common Areas and Rooms:
  • Vandalism is a serious offence. Vandalism means and includes any and all acts of destruction, damage, and/or defacement of any asset or property owned by Instahostel. The residents found guilty of committing such an offence can be evicted from the property and be required to pay all costs incurred by Instahostel due to such damage or destruction.
  • Any items of common use (e.g. microwave, iron, kettle, induction top, magazines, crockery, common TV units, etc) provided by Instahostel as part of the amenities package, shall be used only in the common areas and not in individual rooms.
  • No furniture or furnishings in the common areas of the House may be moved by the residents at any point of time.
  • Any damage to the House must be reported by the residents immediately to the Instahostel Representatives. The residents will be liable to pay for the expenses or costs arising from use/misuse of the same by the resident, except for damages caused by normal wear and tear.
  • The residents must keep the keys of their rooms and wardrobes safe with them. In case of loss, they will have to bear the cost of replacement of keys. The locks for the wardrobes and/or the room are not allowed to be changed.
  • Even in very special cases when the resident is permitted to change or put an additional lock on the room door by the Instahostel representative, the resident must ensure that one set of the room keys are submitted to their respective roommate(s) and the Instahostel Residence Captain for regular Housekeeping, R&M requirements, and any emergency situations.
Intoxication, Betting and Gambling
  • Instahostel is strictly opposed to possession, distribution and consumption of illegal substances inside the House. If any instance of such action is brought to the notice of Instahostel Representatives, Instahostel has the right to terminate the Resident Agreement and inform the parents/college authorities, accordingly.
  • Betting and Gambling by any means is strictly prohibited in the House. In the case of any such instance, Instahostel has the right to immediately terminate the Resident Agreement and inform the parents/college authorities.
Conduct & Behaviour
  • Ragging in any form whatsoever is strictly prohibited and is a cognizable offence under the Indian Penal Code, 1860. All instances of ragging brought to the notice of Instahostel Representatives will be reported to the appropriate legal authorities.
  • In case of any emergency or crisis, the residents must follow the guidelines of the Instahostel Representatives / Security Officer / Nodal Officer strictly.
  • Any resident or a group of residents, who wish to organize a party and/or invite guests, must take prior permission of the Instahostel Representative and it will be the responsibility of the residents to ensure the decorum of the House is maintained at all times and that the premises are cleaned up after the party.
  • Instahostel treats all its employees and service providers including housekeeping, security and food vendors with dignity and respect. It is expected that the residents also uphold this principle in their dealings with all Instahostel employees, representatives and service providers.
  • The residents must always behave in accordance with the Instahostel Anti-Harassment Policy and shall not harass any persons. Further, all residents must respect the personal beliefs of the other residents, such that no resident hurts any religious sentiments, beliefs, or practices in any way whatsoever.
  • Making loud noises, including playing loud music between 10.30 PM to 6.00 AM is strictly prohibited. These timings may differ for certain Instahostel houses/neighbourhoods and will be communicated via the House noticeboards.
  • The residents should not behave in any manner which is deemed to be offensive by the neighbours or by the society either in the premises or in the neighbouring areas surrounding the premises.
  • The resident shall cooperate with the Instahostel Representative for getting his/her police verification, FRRO compliance and any other compliance, as required by Instahostel, done timely.
Pantry Rules
  • Cooking of food in any area except the pantry room is strictly prohibited.
  • Personal food items can be stored in common refrigerators. The residents should adequately label their food items. Instahostel will not be liable for consumption of personal food items by the other residents.
  • The residents should ensure that the pantry area is clean after their use. All the dirty dishes should be placed in the sink, and any leftover and/or garbage must be thrown in the appropriate dustbins. The residents will be liable for damage to common utensils.
  • If food is ordered from outside by the residents, then all leftovers and packaging materials should be disposed of in appropriate dustbins.
Food & Beverage Services
  • All residents are encouraged to consume all food items only in the designated cafeteria area. However, when a resident wishes to carry their food to the room, they must strictly use their personal utensils. Taking the common cutlery and utensils provided by Instahostel to the room (including plates, spoons, bowls and glasses) is strictly prohibited.
  • In case a resident decides to take the food to their room, they are expected to act responsibly and avoid food wastage. It is also their responsibility to ensure that any leftovers are disposed of in appropriate dustbins. Furthermore, immediate consumption of food is highly advised, as a delay may impact the quality of food.
  • Cooking or reheating of food inside the room is strictly prohibited under all circumstances.
  • For every meal, the resident is required to punch their attendance through the QR code scan feature on the Instahostel Resident app or in any other way communicated by Instahostel to mark the food attendance before taking the food.
  • Select dishes will be served in limited grammages or quantities.
Water & Electricity Consumption
  • Water should be used judiciously. The residents should report any water leakages to the Instahostel Representatives as soon as the same is noticed.
  • Electricity billing will be determined by either (a) prepaid electricity meters (room-level), where installed, or (b) actual units consumed as recorded by the main electricity meter for the House.
Security & Safety
  • All residents of a House can enter/exit the House by accessing the smart locks installed on the main entrance door through their respective access control device/Instahostel Resident App/ID Card, as applicable
  • Being responsible adults, all residents of a House are free to enter or exit their House at any time without restrictions, except:
    • Residents below the age of 18 years
    • First-year student residents who have not yet completed first 3 months of their in-campus course duration
    • The residents, who are yet to complete the first 3 months of their Year 1 in college &/or are less than 18 years of age, are required to obtain approval for any late entry, exit, night-out or leaves. All such request applications need to be made only through the Instahostel Resident App. Any such request will have to be approved by the respective parent/guardian and notified to the Instahostel Security team.
    • In special circumstances, the Instahostel Security team reserves the right to reject any late entry, exit or night-out from any of its House at its sole discretion.
    • Instahostel has the right to share the entry-exit or leave data with the parents and authorities, if required under law.
    • Instahostel will not be responsible for the loss of any personal belongings of the residents. The residents are strongly advised to keep secure and lock all their valuables e.g. mobile phones, laptop, watches, money etc. at all times. While leaving the room or going on leave, it is the responsibility of the resident to ensure all their belongings are securely stored and locked in their cupboards. Instahostel would not entertain any claims for the loss/damage of any loose or unsecured belongings of the resident.
    • Building repairs and maintenance is a continuous and planned affair and Instahostel reserves the right to open and enter any room while the student is on leave to carry out such maintenance work. The same would be carried out in presence of the Security / Instahostel representatives.
    • In case of any emergencies in the building, all the residents should be patient and cooperate with the Instahostel Representatives.
    • Instahostel reserves its right to handover its property to the Government Authorities in case there is any notice/order/directions from the District Administration or State Government to acquire its property during an emergency. The rooms occupied by the residents may be vacated and their belongings may be shifted in their absence for any necessary compliance of such Government Order.
    • Instahostel reserves the right to update or revise the safety and security House Rules at any time at its sole discretion.
  • Regular housekeeping is an important aspect to ensure cleanliness and hygiene is always maintained in the House. To ensure the same, cleaning of the room may be carried out in the absence of residents as well, so the residents are advised not to leave their valuables open and unsecured in their room. The residents must ensure their valuables are always safely placed in storage and the rooms are always kept locked.
  • Please note, the services of the housekeeping staff can’t be utilized for any personal work. For example: no personal utensils will be washed by the housekeeping staff.
  • The residents are expected to cooperate in the periodic (quarterly) pest control / fumigation / preventive maintenance activity.
  • Littering the room and common spaces is strictly prohibited.
  • Laundry services are meant for regular daily wear only. For hygiene considerations, no underclothing or socks will be accepted for Laundry.
  • The following items should not be given in general laundry service, as they can get damaged:
    • Any delicate or expensive branded clothing
    • Woollens, jackets, leather items, embroidered clothing
    • Items strictly meant for dry cleaning
  • It is the resident’s responsibility to ensure that the correct information is provided about the number of pieces of clothing being given for the laundry service.
  • Any discrepancy or damages in laundered garments need to be informed to Instahostel within 6 hours of receiving the clothing.
  • As per industry standards, 100% stain-removal is not possible for certain types of stains. For e.g. if there is an Oil / Ink / Food stain on clothing, it will get reduced by up to 60% depending on the type of stain.
  • Bandwidth speed will depend on the service provider and the House location. Speed will be limited per user and may be changed as per company policy.
  • Devices per user: Houses may have a restriction on the maximum number of devices per user. One user can access the internet on limited devices at a time (limit of devices may vary House to House).
  • Instahostel is committed to offer a fair internet experience to everyone for which Instahostel may continuously monitor internet usage by the residents. A Fair Use Policy i.e.to ensures that every resident uses data in moderation with respect to the fellow residents (given in Gigabytes (GB) of data) will apply on all internet services.
  • Browsing access: The residents are not allowed to -
    • Access pornography
    • Create and maintain fake accounts
    • Download and view pirated content
    • Faking IP
    • Piggybacking: Using someone else’s credentials
Usage of Electrical Appliances
  • Usage of appliances like heaters, coils, iron boxes or any other heating/cooking electrical gadget is strictly prohibited inside the room unless the room has prepaid electricity meters.
  • Residents found cooking inside a room using electric cookers, coffee makers, roti makers, heaters or any combustible material, will be considered a serious violation leading to a penalty.
  • While leaving the room premises, residents must ensure that they switch off all lights, fans, electrical appliances including ACs, heaters, geysers, mosquito-repellent machines etc.
  • In case of power being run on DG back-up, usage of electrical items especially ACs, geysers, washing machines, elevators etc. will be restricted. Management can also take the liberty of revoking the electricity access of these temporarily to conserve power backup.
  • The right containers /bowls should be placed inside a microwave to avoid a hazardous situation. In case of doubt, please connect with the Instahostel Representatives for assistance.
  • Residents should refrain from overloading the washing machines, ensuring that clothes are unloaded immediately after usage. In case clothes are found lying unclaimed, Instahostel staff will not be held responsible if misplaced.
  • The residents shall intimate Instahostel Representatives immediately if any critical or transferable illness is detected to prevent other residents from getting infected.
  • The residents shall not consume any medication inside the premises, except which is prescribed by a registered medical practitioner.
Photography & Filming
  • Photography and filming shall be allowed but the residents shall maintain the privacy of other residents.
  • The common areas in Houses are under CCTV surveillance for safety and security of the residents. The residents are advised to maintain decorum in common areas and not to obstruct / change the view of CCTV by any means.
Police Complaints
  • The residents shall inform the Residence Captain / Instahostel Representative before dialling Police Emergency Numbers i.e. '100' in case of any emergency.
  • The residents shall immediately inform the Instahostel Representative for any engagements or encounters with Police.
Visitors & Guests
  • All visitors must register at the reception area of the House and provide all details and documents as requested by the Instahostel Security team before entering any residence.
  • In specific male/female properties, visitors only from the same gender may enter the resident’s room with the consent of the resident’s roommate. If the roommate(s) has any objection or if the visitor is of the opposite gender, the visitor will only be allowed till the reception/common area. However, in co-ed residences, visitors of the opposite gender may be allowed to enter the room.
  • Residents are allowed to invite guests of the same gender for overnight stay on the premises by requesting a guest booking in advance on a paid basis. The permission for the same is subject to availability and the consent of the existing roommate(s). The guest can access Wi-Fi, food and common area amenities during their stay at the property. Charges for the stay and other expenses will be invoiced to the resident. For details regarding the duration of stay, amenities provided, associated charges, etc., the Residence Captain can be contacted
  • Parents of the residents will be allowed to access the room in the presence of the resident during the day subject to the roommate(s) consent. For overnight stays, mothers will be allowed to stay with their wards, while the fathers will only be allowed in male-only Houses. The Residence Captain can be contacted for details regarding the duration of stay, amenities provided, associated charges, etc.
  • The resident will be wholly responsible and financially liable for all actions of the resident's visitor and guests.
Rent and Payments
  • The resident shall pay all fees and charges timely and, in the manner, prescribed as per their Resident Agreement.
  • Any disputes related to rent should be flagged to the customer experience team, as per the process laid out, and such requests will be actioned upon basis the timelines mentioned by Instahostel. However, any pending disputes in rent should not be a reason for not making timely payments.
  • In case of continuous default of payments, Instahostel reserves the right for immediate termination of Agreement and evicting the defaulter resident.
  • The residents may not be allowed to go on leaves or refuse to leave the premises with their belongings in case of pending rental payments until the same gets resolved and all the dues are cleared.
Complaints and Suggestions
  • The Instahostel customer experience team will conduct feedback sessions on a regular basis. All the residents are asked to participate in the sessions actively so as to ensure the best delivery of services. From our perspective, any complaints, suggestions or enquiries are always welcome.
  • The residents are required to share feedback/submit queries/raise complaints on the Resident App under the 'Complaints and Suggestions section'.
  • Defaming (Oral or written communication of a false statement about another that unjustly harms their reputation and usually constitutes a tort or crime) any person including fellow Instahostelian and Instahostel staff or influencing fellow Instahostelian for defaming any person or Instahostel by any means (i.e. directly, indirectly or on social media) is strictly prohibited. This may attract serious consequences including termination of the agreement and legal action.
Penalties and Fines
  • Smoking/Drinking in the property - Rs. 500 per instance
  • Bringing visitors of opposite gender to the room - Rs. 1,000 per instance
  • Bringing visitor without registering with Security - Rs. 2,000 per instance
  • Obstructing or changing view of CCTV cameras - Rs. 2,000 per instance
  • Taking food and utensils to the room without permission - Rs. 500 per instance
  • Lost Key replacement - Rs. 500 per instance
  • Leaving Lights/Water taps open in absence - Rs. 500 per instance
  • Using non-mandated electrical appliances in the rooms other than rooms having prepaid electrical meters - Rs. 1,000 per instance
  • No animals or pets will be brought inside the House by any person.
  • Instahostel residences are apolitical and areligious. No political or religious gatherings will be permitted at the residence without the consent of the Instahostel local residence management.
  • Instahostel and the Instahostel Representatives reserve the right to make spot checks on the Houses and rooms without having to give prior notice to the residents.
  • Instahostel will not be responsible for any packages / parcels received at the House. Instahostelian are requested to coordinate & collect their parcels as soon as it reaches the Houses from the delivery boy.
  • Electricians, contractors or any other service person may enter rooms as and when necessary, in the course of their duty under the supervision of the Instahostel Representatives. The Instahostel Representative shall ensure that all such activity is done in a manner which respects the privacy and dignity of the residents.
  • The Instahostel Representatives reserve the right to move residents to other rooms if there is a necessity or emergency.
  • The Instahostel team reserves the right to revise the rules and regulations from time to time and will keep the residents informed of any changes in the form of notices. Ignorance of any such amendments to the rules will not be accepted as an excuse for any breach of rules and regulations.
  • Instahostel provides a set of consumables for the entertainment/ games area including remote batteries, accessories for games/sports like darts, dice, cue sticks, rackets etc. The same shall be maintained by the residents in good condition. Any loss or damage to the said consumables shall be borne by the resident responsible for such loss or damage.